Is It Time to Hire Security for Your Hotel?


When you run a hotel, you know that people from all walks of life walk through its doors at some point. Some people might have too much to drink or belong to rowdy groups that could cause trouble on-site. In other instances, criminals could target the location for robberies or other crimes. However, not all hotels have these concerns. So, do you need security for your property?

Consider the Guests

Most guests expect higher-end hotels in Northern California to be safe. Seeing security guards patrolling with guns might send the wrong impression that crime is in the area. Yet, in high-crime areas, it provides a sense of safety.

Consider the location and the guests you serve. Good security companies can also provide different uniform choices, so you could dress security officers in suits and ties if you desire. Remote monitoring is also possible.

Review Safety and Liability

Whether guests like the presence of security officers or not, if there’s a safety incident, you are better off having security officers on site. These trained professionals can observe and report, deter bad actors and get guests to safety.

Having security on-site also reduces the likelihood of liabilities from safety negligence. When you hire a reputable security company, it typically becomes responsible for liability regarding safety incidents that its officers should detect and prevent.

Confirm the Budget

Most hotels operate within a seasonal cycle. Consequently, it’s essential to consider how the budget and security needs might change during peak and slow seasons. Working with a security company that understands these shifts is crucial to a successful partnership.

Reviewing the budget also makes it possible to consider a combination of options. These might include remote video monitoring, remote access control, and unarmed security guards.

Protecting your property and your guests is vital to the longevity of your business. Find out how United Security Specialists provides the tools, skills, and assets you need to accomplish this. Call us at 408-809-0967 or send us an email

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